Parental Consent
I agree to my child/myself taking part in the Dragon Castle Basketball Club membership and have received sufficient information on which to base a decision. I agree to their/my participation in the activities described. I acknowledge the need for them/me to behave responsibly.
I agree that all images and videos taken from the training sessions are copyrighted to and remain the property of Dragon Castle Basketball Club. All photos and videos are only used for the normal marketing operation of Dragon Castle Basketball Club.
Acknowledgement of Risk
I have read the Dragon Castle Basketball Club information sheet and I understand that there are risks associated with involvement in Dragon Castle Basketball Club and that these risks cannot be completely eliminated. I understand that the school will identify any foreseeable risks or hazards and implement correct management procedures to eliminate, isolate or minimise those hazards. I understand my child has been involved in the development of safety procedures. I will do my best to ensure that I/my child follow these procedures.
I know that I am able to ask any questions of Dragon Castle Basketball Club about the activities I/my child will be involved in, to gain a better understanding of the risks involved. I recognise that participation in such activities is voluntary and not mandatory through a ‘challenge by choice’* procedure. My child and I both understand that I/they may withdraw from an activity if I/they feel at risk. This must be done in consultation with the person in charge.
In understand that Dragon Castle Basketball Club does not accept responsibility for loss or damage to personal property and that it is my responsibility to check my own insurance policy.
I agree that if prescribed medication needs to be administered, a designated adult will be assigned to do this. I will ensure that prescribed medication is clearly labelled, securely fastened and handed to the designated adult with instructions on its administration. I will inform Dragon Castle Basketball Club as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other circumstances between now and the commencement of the training. I agree to my child/myself receiving any emergency medical, dental, or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
Any medical costs not covered by ACC or a community service card will be paid by me. If my child is involved in a serious disciplinary problem, including the use of illegal substances and/or alcohol, or actions that threaten the safety of others, s/he will be sent home at my expense.